The Department of Pediatric Medicine at KKCTH forms the backbone of the hospital. The department is managed by 9 full time Senior Consultants. All children who walk in to the hospital for routine consultation apart from Emergencies are seen by the Medical consultants.
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The department was started in the hospital by the founder Prof. Dr. M. S. Ramakrishnan, who was a pioneer in the field of Pediatric surgery.
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At the Emergency Department, we care for children aged one month to 18 years. Children up to one month old are taken care of in the Neonatology department. Of the total admissions in any time period, approximately 40-50% need emergency care. Sick children are stabilized in the Emergency room and then shifted to the appropriate wards .
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The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) here, started in 1991, was the first separate PICU in the private sector in Madras. It was completely renovated in 2004 and currently has 17 beds (10 ICU and 7 High Dependency). It is a purpose built, state-of-the art facility and every effort has been taken to meet the current guidelines for ICU’s, especially with reference to bed space, air conditioning, and infection control. There are two isolation suites equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.
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Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital has a level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) which caters to nearly 1000 high risk newborns every year. Established in 1990, the NICU is a 35 bedded tertiary care unit with provisions and facilities for routine care and high-risk neonates. The NICU has 2 intensive care bays, having a capacity of 16 beds in addition to a 15 bedded step down unit, a 4 bedded isolation area and a procedure room.
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The Department of Radiology at KKCTH has been recently renovated and is one of the best in the country. We are one among the few who provide radiology services exclusive to children.
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The department of laboratory services at Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital provides accurate and precise results on clinical material within the shortest turnaround time. The laboratory offers round the clock service and the tests are performed by qualified and highly experienced technical staff using state of the art diagnostic equipment.
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Administering anesthetics to babies and small children is not the same as anaesthetizing adults. Special training, techniques, vigilance, equipment and approach are required.
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In the past, the subjects of psychiatry and mental illness were surrounded by mystery and fear. Today, we have made tremendous progress in our understanding of mental illnesses and in our ability to offer effective treatments. However, questions about mental illness often go unanswered and stand in the way of people receiving help.
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In the current era of IVF & high-risk obstetric care, the need for maternity services become more valid when we deal with high-risk newborns as the first golden hour of management in these neonates can be better optimized by our neonatal team. This is vital to save the lives and prevent morbidities in the high-risk neonates. Our obstetric team includes expertized senior consultants in Obstetrics and gynaecology and IVF care.
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This Department offers comprehensive diagnostic services, as well as, counseling and management for patients with genetic disorders and congenital anomalies.
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Allergic rhinitis when it is persistent & poorly controlled despite medical treatment,Refractory Asthma
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A Separate department of Burns and plastic surgery was started in the year 1992 with a six bedded exclusive burns ward where children with both acute and chronic burn injuries are received in the ward and treated in a state-of-the-art fashion.
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The department of Cardiology in KKCTH improves children’s cardiovascular health through a team approach that includes clinicians, patients and families. The Division of Pediatric Cardiology is committed to provide health care of International standard at an affordable cost.
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Department of Pediatric Dentistry takes care of dental problems of children from neonates to 18 years of age. Dental problems such as Neonatal teeth, Nursing bottle caries, Early Childhood caries are managed by comprehensive treatment on chair side and also under General Anesthesia as Day care measures.
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Skin diseases can affect and present in children differently than in adults. At KKCTH we understand this well and have a dedicated department to care for the dermatological needs of children. The Department of Pediatric Dermatology offers a wide range of dermatology care that includes problems of skin, hair and nails of children.
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The speciality of Pediatric endocrinology deals with hormonal disorders in children. Hormonal disorders in children includes conditions such as thyroid disorders, short stature, tall stature, early puberty, late puberty, diabetes and bone disorders among others. In India, awareness of hormonal disorders in children are increasing thanks to better laboratory testing and treatment options.
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Pediatric ENT is one of the earliest and well recognised sub specialities in ENT. Common problems specific to pediatric population are related to either hearing airway.We have facilities for holistic assessment of hearing and offer problem related solutions.
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The Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital runs outpatient clinics which focus on management of liver, gastrointestinal and nutritional disorders.
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The Department of Pediatric Hematology at Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital is dedicated for treatment of children with blood disorders such as anemia, thalassemia, Fanconi anemia, thrombocytopenia, bleeding and clotting disorders, aplastic anemia etc.
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The immunisation department has been functioning since the inception of the hospital. The department functions between 9 am-5 pm on all days except Sundays. The immunisation records are updated as per the Indian Academy of Pediatrics guidelines and offered to every patient who comes for immunisation. All the newer vaccines are also made available for the patients. The parents are counseled after every vaccination regarding the minor side effects and a hand out regarding the do’s and dont’s following vaccination is handed over. Catch up vaccination if any immunisation is skipped is also advised. The vaccines are appropriately stored and dispensed by an experienced staff nurse. The vaccines are economically priced. We maintain strict cold chain for storage of vaccines We also promote adolescent immunisation.
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As depicted by the name, ‘Infectious Diseases’ are diseases that are caused by microorganisms like bacteria, virus, fungus or parasites. 60 to 70% of the human illness is caused by the infectious diseases and the rest of the ailments belong to specific systems like cardiology, neurology, nephrology, etc.
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The Department of Pediatric Nephrology in our hospital caters patients from Chennai and its suburbs. Our outpatient services are available on daily basis. We see about 4000 patients in the outpatient clinic in a year. We have an active dialysis service. In addition to hemodialysis, we also perform Plasmapheresis and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. We have a team of Pediatric Surgeons who take care of urological problems in children. The children with End stage renal disease are started on CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis) in our hospital.
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Children seen include those with Pediatric epilepsy, children with neuro-muscular disorders, developmental delay, neuro-degerative disorders, neuro-metabolic disorders, cerebral palsy, various neuro-genetic syndromes like tuberous sclerosis and others. Referrals are seen not only from other parts of India but also from all over South East Asia like Srilanka, Bangladesh, Singapore, Thaliand, Dubai, Sharjah and Kuwait.
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A wide range of pediatric neurosurgical problems are dealt with by this department. A few require special mention namely: Craniostenosis (Skull deformities) – we offer complete correction for craniostenosis and we have one of the largest series of cases in literature in this field.
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Children with eye problems, difficulty with vision screening exams or having difficulty reading or learning, or those needing surgery or medical treatment for an illness affecting the eyes are taken care of at this department.
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Pediatric orthopedics is a distinctive subspeciality as bone, joint and muscular problems in children are very different from adults in their causes as well as treatment.The Orthopedics Department at KKCTH has being functioning since the founding of the institution.
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Respiratory ailments are a major burden in children both in terms of morbidity & mortality. WHO estimates that globally about 7.1 million children suffer from asthma; over 2 million children die from pneumonia (1 in 5 under five deaths) and about 74,000 die from tuberculosis each year. Knowing the burden of the respiratory system diseases, the department provides the following services:
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Pediatric Rheumatologist are specialists who diagnose and treat children with rheumatologic, autoimmune and autoinflammatory disorders.
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Our Integrated Rehabilitation Unit, was inaugurated on April 15, 2024, in partnership with NICE, Chennai, under the expert leadership of Dr. Subramanian, Director of NICE. This unit offers comprehensive screening, assessment, and coordinated care for patients in need of intense rehabilitation and therapeutic support.
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Breastfeeding is not only a vital aspect of infant nutrition but also a profound bonding experience between a mother and her baby. For a lactation consultant, the mission is to empower and educate mothers, ensuring they have the information and tools necessary to navigate any hurdles they may encounter.
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At KKCTH's Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, we offer comprehensive women's healthcare services. Our expert team provides care throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond, using state-of-the-art technology. We specialise in managing high-risk pregnancies, fertility treatments, menstrual disorders, and advanced gynaecological surgeries. Our commitment to patient safety ensures high standards of care, with personalised treatment plans for every woman.
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Reclaim Your Health with Specialized Fever Care—For Every Stage of Life. Advanced treatments tailored to women’s health, neonatal needs, and general medical care in one trusted clinic.
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