2024Dr. S. Ramesh, HOD, Department of Anesthesia, delivered the Dr. A. M. Deshpande oration (Pediatric Anesthesia - Thinking back, Stepping forward) at PROACT PUNECON 2024.
Dr. Priya Ramachandran was felicitated by the Governor of TamilNadu for her services to Cancer Children on the eve of Women’s Day.
Our Medical Director Dr.Janani Sankar was awarded the International Women's day award by JOGO on March 8th 2024.
Dr. S. Thirunavukkarasu, Senior Consultant Otorhinolaryngology, KKCTH, was invited as Faculty for the SENTAC Annual Meeting 2023 on Pediatric Airway at Charleston, SC, which was held in the month of Dec 2023.
Dr. PRIYA RAMACHANDRAN, HOD Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, KKCTH, was one among the five persons honored at Birth Century of “KAINKARYA SIRONMANI” S. V. Narasimhan our former Trustee.
Dr. S. THIRUNAVUKKARASU, Senior Consultant Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, KKCTH, has been elected as the PRESIDENT of NATIONAL LARYNGOLOGY AND VOICE DISORDER ASSOCIATION.
In the Survey done by Outlook Magazine our Consultants Dr. JANANI SANKAR & Dr. PRIYA RAMACHANDRAN were chosen as the BEST DOCTORS SOUTH 2023 in Pediatric Medicine and Pediatric Surgery respectively.

Proud moment for KKCTH with three of our consultants bagging the “Most Trusted Specialist Award” in their respective fields from Golden AIIMS Organisation.
- Dr. Ramesh - Anesthesiologist
- Dr. Thirunavukkarasu- ENT & Airway Surgeon
- Dr. Chandrakumar - Neonatologist
Post Graduates
2025- Dr. Nilofer, Final year DNB PG won the Torrent Young Scholar Award at the final round held at Ahmedabad on 2nd February 2025.

- Dr. Mahalakshmi, DNB PG, won the 2nd prize in Oral paper presentation at the National Pediatric Critical Care Conference, Pedi-CRITICON held on 15th and 16th December 2024, at Chennai .
- Dr. Lavanya Devi, DNB PG won the first prize for E-poster - PG category at the National Pediatric Critical Care Conference, Pedi-CRITICON held on 15th and 16th December 2024, at Chennai .
- Dr. Arathi Wilson, DrNB PICU PG, won the 2nd prize in E-poster, Young intensivist Category at the National Pediatric Critical Care Conference, Pedi-CRITICON held on 15th and 16th December 2024, at Chennai.
Dr. Kalaimathi. M, final year DNB postgraduate was awarded the Merit certificate at the prestigious Dr. J. V. Medal exam held at Madurai Medical College on 22nd November 2024.
Dr. MOUNIKA. B, Second year DNB Ped. PG, has won the 2nd prize at the National Level Online quiz on "Non Communicable Diseases and their Prevention" conducted by NCDPA Chapter of IAP 2024 and won 2nd place in playalong round of National Level Pediatric Infectious Diseases quiz conducted as a part of NCPID 2024 held at Indore, on 9th Nov 2024
Dr. EZHILPRIYA. S, Final year DNB Ped. PG, has won the 2nd prize for her Paper Presentation at NCPID 2024 for titled "Microbiological Profile with their Antimicrobial sensitivity among Neonatal Sepsis cases" held at Indore, on 9th Nov 2024.
Dr. T. GOWTHAMI, 3th year DrNB Ped. Surgery PG, has won the 2nd prize for her Best Paper at the 50th Indian Association Pediatric Surgeons Conference (APSCON) 2024 for titled "Obstructive Uropathy in Pediatric Oncology Patients" held at AIIMS Rishikesh between 6th and 10th Nov 2024.
Our Postgraduates Dr. Sneha, Dr. Drija & Dr. Lavanya Devi won the best posters award at the Pediatric Dermatology update held at Bangalore on September 28th and 29th 2024. Appreciation to our Senior consultant dermatologist Dr. Ramkumar Ramamoorthy for his guidance and mentorship.
Dr. Haritha, DNB pediatric postgraduate won the first prize in the Hematology quiz conducted by MGM Cancer Institute on 3.9.2024.
Dr. Kokilavani, DNB pediatric surgery postgraduate, won the second prize in award session - "Innovative thinking in hypospadias repair" at SPUCON 2024, Kolkata. (Topic: Megalo-urethra, a case series).
Dr. Haritha and Dr. Mounika, DNB postgraduates secured the second place in the Ramachandra Hematology and Oncology (R-HOPE) Pediatric Hematoncology quiz, conducted on 17.08.24.
Dr. Mounika, Second year DNB postgraduate secured second place in the State Wide Quiz Competition for 'Academic champion of Tamira Pedicon 2024' held through online platform in July 2024.
Dr. B. MOUNIKA & Dr. S. MAHALAKSHMI, 2 nd year post MBBS DNB PGs, have won the 1 st prize in the Vaccinology Quiz held at SRM Medical College & Hospital, Trichy on 4 th May 2024.
Dr. SUGANDH CHADHA, our final year DrNB Pediatric Surgery PG (Direct 6 years course) has been awarded the 1 st prize for the Short Oral presentation under the guidance of Dr. Lakshmi Sundararajan, Senior Consultant Pediatric Surgery, at the 19 th National Conference Pediatric Endoscopic Surgeons of India (PESICON 2024), held between 8 th and 10 th March 2024 at Agra.
Dr. Abhinav Sihag, final year DNB PG and Dr. M. Kokilavani, fifth year DNB PG in the Department of Pediatric Surgery have won the 1 st prize in the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Quiz competition and Dr. M. Kokilavani has been awarded the 2 nd prize in the Poster presentation held during APSOCON 2023 from 9 th to 10 th Dec 2023 at Apollo PROTON Cancer Centre, Chennai.
Dr. Raja Rajeswari and Dr. Sailaxmi Sreelekha, final year post DCH DNB Pediatric PG of our Hospital won the 2 nd prize in the quiz competition at the Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Conference - 2023 (PHOCON – 2023) held on 24 th Nov 2023 at our hospital.
Dr. Sandeep. P. S. Registrar and Dr. B. Mounika, 2 nd year DNB Pediatric PG of our Hospital have won the 3 rd prize in the National level quiz competition conducted by the Indian Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology (ISPAE – 2023) at Bangalore, between 17 th and 19 th November 2023.
Dr. Sugandh Chadha, our final year DrNB Pediatric Surgery PG (Direct 6 years course) has been awarded the 1 st prize for the Best Paper at the British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons in Cambridge Muller Institute, an International Conference held between 9 th and 10 th November 2023 at Cambridge, under the guidance of Dr. Lakshmi Sundararajan, Dr. K Senthil Ganesh Kamaraj and Dr. S. Namasivayam.
Dr. A. ARCHANA, 1 st year DrNB Neonatology PG won the first prize for the Best Paper presentation in the LAMBCON in the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology on 1 st October 2023.
Dr. Sharath M Manya, Ex fellow in Pediatric Gastroenterology stood first in the National ISPGHAN Pediatric Gastro Fellowship exam held at our Hospital between 15 th and 16 th September 2023.
Dr. Abhinav Sihag, Final year DrNB Pediatric Surgery PG won the 1 st prize in the PG Quiz session at the 11 th National Conference of Society of Pediatric Urology (SPUCON – 2023) held from 1 st to 3 rd September 2023 at Nagpur.
Dr. ASHWINI. V. K, 2 nd year DNB (Post MBBS) Ped. PG of our Hospital was awarded the GOLD MEDAL of “Dr. CTS AWARD” for her Paper Presentation and Dr. S. EZHILPRIYA, 2 nd Year DNB (Post MBBS) Ped. PG of our Hospital was awarded the 1 st Runner up of “T. RAJAGOPAL AWARD” for her Paper Presentation at the SOUTH ZONE PEDICON – 2023, held at Kanyakumari from 24 th to 27 th August 2023.
Dr. PADMAPRIYA and Dr. KALAIMATHI, DNB Pediatric postgraduates won the 1 st prize in the Divisional level IAP quiz which was held on 9 th Aug 2023 at the ICH, Egmore.
Dr. RAJA RAJESWARI, Final year DNB (Post DCH) postgraduate of our hospital was awarded the Prestigious “Prof. Dr. J. V. GOLD MEDAL” at the Clinical Examination conducted by the Madurai Medical College on 12 th May 2023.
Dr. JHA NIKHIL PAWAN, DrNB Pediatric Intensive Care PG of our Hospital was awarded the Best Poster presentation titled “CLINICAL PROFILE AND OUTCOME OF CHILDREN WITH ACUTE LIVER FAILURE SECONDARY TO SEVERE DENGUE IN THE PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (PICU) AT A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL” at the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine conference, Indore.
Dr. ARCHANA. A, DrNB Neonatology PG of our Hospital was awarded the Best Paper presentation titled “NASOTRAGAL LENGTH OR TOCHEN FOR ENDOTRACHEAL TIP TRIAL (NOTE TRIAL)” at NEOCON Conference held at CMC Vellore, on 10 th & 11 th March 2023. This study was done by Dr. SIDDHARTH MADABUSHI, our former DrNB Neonatology PG, which was presented by Dr. ARCHANA. A.
- Our Infection Control Nurses, Mrs. Arokia Sophie. R and Mrs. Amutha. R won the first prize at the National level BD Mastermind quiz held at the 12th Infusion Nurses Society Conference held on 30th November 2024 at Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad.

- 27th March 2024 - Three of our PICU Nurses who registered for the Indian Diploma in Pediatric Critical Care Nursing (IDPCCN) course, have successfully cleared their exit examination.
- Mrs. S. Fathima, Nurse Supervisor
- Mrs. B. Sheeba, Charge Nurse
- Mrs. Nalhini Hepsi Bai. N, Shift Incharge Nurse